Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Gatorade, Crackers, and little kids who want to kick my. . .

I've been in this area of texas for several days and I've got a little time to quickly update. I'm settling in well. I've met a couple of guys that I live with that are pretty cool and we've started playing music together on the weekends. It's been pretty sweet. That alone may convince me to stay longer than what I had planned (Aside from Austin and these little hole in the wall towns that consist of one or two buildings but happen to be the liveliest places on the earth on Sunday afternoons. All sorts of musicians come to these towns in the middle of nowhere, play their music, chill with the laid back country folk, and enjoy a Sunday barbeque. This is the only way I want to think of Texas. I won't tell you what kind of folks are notorious for showing up at these barbeques but it sounds pretty sweet.)

As for other business, the work here seems pretty fun. Last week was nuts just because there were so many orientation classes to go to. I didn't dig that and then we had to go work in the homes. It wasn't work though, it was just observing what goes on. That's what I'm doing this week but I'm also starting to adapt so these little buggers better be careful who they're threatening and throwing ketchup at, am I wrong? Actually I'm a pushover so the Heinz will continue to fly I'm sure.

So that's it. I'm not tired of gatorade and crackers yet but I'm getting there. Thank goodness for Oreos I suppose.

Go back to work. James.

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