Friday, July 06, 2007


Unknown said...

Sweet, Lanky Chet-

Since no one else has written any comments on your site besides myself, it must be a private enough place to ask you a personal question: will you have my children? As to what other people might think---well, I say that we are two grown men and shouldn't have all of our life decisions determined by all of the doubting squares around us (e.g. family, friends, biologists, Dr. James Dobson, etc.). I eagerly await your answer. No one will know but us.

-Your Love Muppet

Unknown said...

Aw, peaches---it posted my name. Well, the public, the scientists, and probably the Pope would have pried my name out of you, anyway... All that matters is that you and I and our future children (Imogene, Sherman, and little Ignatius (our own precious little "Iggy Pop" as we shall call him)) be together.

-Your Eversparkling Gingersnap, John

zds said...

gusy, i'm blushing...