Friday, October 17, 2008


Unknown said...

Holy crap, James, that was WILD! HAHAHA! Wow. Incredible.

JBD said...

when you visit, you will be rodrigo and i will be gabriela and we will pound our feet on the ground in such synchrony that. . . well, i don't know but you get the idea. wink, wink, nudge (of course).

Unknown said...

How come you always get to be Gabriela?...

JBD said...

as i left the library, in addition to my dreams the "night prior", I'd like to take back that last comment i wrote on this blogsite. i knew full well that those two are brother and sister. haha. ew. either way, 'you get the idea.'

-you know i don't have the patience to do what rodrigo does

"Look, George, Three times. All me. All me."